Former Prime Minister of Canada

I remember when I launched my company Les Oiseaux du Paradis, I decided to resign from 10 years of teaching including all social benefits.

My parents just freaked out. They were wondering how the hell was I going to survive raising two kids?

Yes, it was a scary move to do. It took courage.But, I guess that 20 years later, I did not that bad. I just kept believing, kept my discipline, kept the fire alive! Determination just paid off.

Yes, it was not always easy, but today, I am still going at it and my children are healthy and successful. Great thanks to their dad who supported this crazy adventure!

When I look at this picture taken with the Former Prime Minister of Canada, Jean-Chrétien and his wife Aline Chaîné, Daniel Lamarre , President of Cirque du Soleil and his wife Emmanuelle Duperre, Mathieu Roy, my former partner, it just makes me realize that my parents would have really been proud today!

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